How do the 'Favorites' folder and the 'Recent Folders' folder work?
The Favorites folder works much the same as the Favorites menu in Internet Explorer or the Bookmarks menu in Netscape. The main difference is that you are pointing to your most used folders on your local system instead of web-sites.
  1. To add the current directory to your Favorites, click the 'Add to Favorites' button.
  2. When prompted, enter a name to call your new Favorite.
  3. Click OK. The Favorite is added.
  4. To use your Favorites, simply click on any folder under the 'Favorites' folder and continue as normal.
  5. The Favorites menu has two options for managing your Favorites. The 'Add to Favorites' option can be used instead of the 'Add to Favorites' button, and the 'Delete Favorite' will remove an entry from the Favorites folder. Just select the folder you wish to remove and Click "Favorites -> Delete Favorite".
  6. Are you an AnyWhere 98 user? Don't worry... You haven't lost your Favorites from AnyWhere 98!! Just go to the Help menu and choose 'Import AnyWhere 98 Favorites'! If you're an AnyWhere 2000 or AnyWhere 5.x user, your favorites will be right where you left them. No steps need to be taken.

The 'Recent Folders' folder keeps track of the last 10 folders you copied, moved or zipped files to.  There is no need to add folders to this list, as they are added automatically each time you use the program.

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